Whether you’ve just moved to a new home and are faced with a garden that’s a total mess or have let your garden turn into a jungle, knowing how to get it back in shape can be a real struggle. A garden that’s grown out of control can seem almost impossible to transform back into a well cared for and usable space. However, the key to success with turning an out of control garden into a beautiful space is perseverance.
It won’t just become a usable space overnight; it will take time, and it’s important to understand that. To help you get off to a good start with your garden here’s what we recommend doing to get your yard back in shape.

Break it down
A garden that’s severely overgrown can be incredibly overwhelming when it comes to getting it looking good again. So the best thing to do is break it down, don’t try and get everything done at once, as this will cause you to feel overwhelmed by the task at hand. Instead, aim to focus on one area at a time by breaking the task down with a to-do list. For example, you could start off by clearing any rubbish or junk; then you could start removing any areas of longer grass with a garden strimmer. As you go, make sure to tick off what you’ve done, so that you can see the progress that you’re making.
Get some help
If you don’t have the time or skills to get your garden looking good, don’t panic – you can always hire some help. The truth is that sometimes, if you’re not sure of how to deal with a task, it’s much better to get some help rather than to struggle on alone. Say, for instance; your lawn is in bad shape, in this instance, using professional lawn services could be helpful. The last thing you want to do is mow your lawn and make the problem worse, so putting your grass in the hands of a professional could be a good idea.
As well as getting help with getting your garden back in shape, it’s also worth considering getting regular help with your gardening, especially if you lack the time or knowledge to deal with gardening tasks yourself.
Design a garden that’s easy to take care of
When it comes to redesigning your garden, it’s a good idea to think about practicality. It’s all well and good designing a space that needs a lot of care to keep it looking good, but what you need to ask yourself is whether it’s practical.Do you have time to dedicate a certain amount of hours a week to keeping your garden looking perfect or would you prefer a garden that’s easier to take care of?
The important thing to remember is that a low-maintenance garden doesn’t have to be boring, in fact, it can be a beautiful space. It’s just a case of choosing a design that requires a minimal amount of care on a regular basis, making it easier to keep looking good.
So there you have it, how to transform a mess of a garden into a picture perfect space with minimal stress.
Some of the biggest problems I encounter are people overfeeding their garden especially smaller box gardens in the yard where you buy your dirt. “The beans grow fine but why do my carrots look so small?”
Black natural dirt – continue to add that in and notice the improvements from year to year.
Thank you for your article