Can You Dig It? Four Ways To Get A Fun and Groovy Garden!

Some people think of their garden as just a scrap of land out the back of their house. Others know that the garden is a wonderful place to chill out, have fun and get the whole family together. Of course, to make sure that your friends and relatives want to spend time in your garden, you are going to have to make it fantastically fun and groovy. Read on to find out just how to do this in four easy steps.


The first thing you need to think about when creating a fun and groovy garden is safety. The safer that your outdoor space is, the more fun people can have in it, because they won’t need to be getting worried all the time.

To make your garden as safe as possible ensure that there are no plants that are poisonous to pets or humans. Then you can be happy in the knowledge that the kids and the dog can run around without any harm coming to them.

Another way of helping to make your garden safe is to install a shed or an outhouse to keep all of your tools in. This means you can always put away rakes and the like, which can be dangerous if left out unsupervised. It is also a good place to put any chemical that you treat your garden with, such as weed killer and fertiliser.  


Once the safety issue is out of the way, then you can start on the things that really make garden comfortable. No matter how gorgeous or groovy your garden is, your visitors will want to be comfortable, if they are going to spend any decent amount of time in it.

To make your garden as comfortable as possible you should provide areas where people can sit or lie down. Sunbathing is always a popular activity, and it’s nice to have an area where you can sit and eat together as well.

The Fun Factor

Of course, the real draw to your garden is how fun you can make it. There are plenty of ways you can inject some fun into the garden. For instance how about a swing set or jungle gym for the kid to play on? Or a custom built tree house? Another popular item is a customised hot tub, which both the adults and kids will love.

Then there are also things like jumbo games, such as Jenga and chess. Or you could even give crochet or cricket a go, just get everyone to be careful of the windows when they play.


Lastly, one of the most important aspects of a fun outdoor space, that many people overlook are access to refreshments. Just think about it. When you are on holiday you want to be near to the drinks and snack stand, don’t you? Well, the same thing applies in your garden.

Solve this issue by regularly bringing out snacks and cold drinks for people to enjoy. Or even by installing a garden kitchen, where you can cook up some fine steaks and other delights to please your guests and keep them coming back for more.

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