In this day and age, most of us are striving to live a very environmentally friendly life. Almost every study in this area shows that leading an eco-friendly life can help to protect the whole planet from climate change. Because of this, many gardeners are changing how they live their lives. However, there is one aspect of life that they are failing to look at. And that is their garden! Did you know that you could potentially change your garden to make it a very green and eco-friendly place? Here are some hacks that can help you do just that.
Have A Consultation
There are now many companies that specialise in diverse environmental consulting business. These set out to help gardeners and help them make their hobby a lot better for the environment. If you sound interested in this, you should call up your local firm that specialises in this. A specialist will then come and visit you and assess your garden. They will be able to look at various aspects of your garden to make sure that it is not damaging the environment. For example, they will look at the soil and can give you expert advice on the types of plants that are best suited to it.
Plant Bright Flowers
One of the best ways you can help the environment is to encourage more birds and wildlife into your garden. And the biggest attraction for all the animals and birds is bright flowers. Flowers such as sunflowers and marigolds are especially good for this. As well as all this wildlife, these flowers will also attract beneficial insects to your garden. Bees will come and fertilise all your plants, and ladybirds and lacewings will stop other insects coming into your garden and eating all the flowers!
Use Solar Power For Outdoor Lights
Rather than using electricity to power all your outdoor lights, you should consider powering your outdoor lights with solar power. This is much more beneficial for the environment as it is a renewable form of energy. To use solar power, you will need some panels in your garden. These will absorb the light from the sun during the day and store it ready to use in the night.
Do you already have a compost bin? If so, good work! If not, now is the time to start thinking about starting one. It is very easy to do. All you need is a large container that is suitable for leaving outside in all weather. It should also have a cover or lid so that no rain water gets into the compost.
Whenever you cut your lawn or prune any bushes, you should place all the organic rubbish in the compost bin. After a few months, the bottom layers in your bin should be good enough to spread on your flowers and vegetable patches.
As you can see, it isn’t too difficult to go environmentally friendly in your garden. You will start to notice all the benefits and advantages almost immediately!