Things To Remember When Creating An Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor kitchens are becoming more and more popular. If your region has a lot of sun and very little rain, then the temptation of creating an outdoor kitchen could be eating at your desires and, sooner or later, you’re going to cave in and you’ll want to convert a large space in your garden into an outdoor kitchen.

Just think; you’ll be able to host some of the most amazing outdoor parties, you’ll get friends and family coming over wanting to enjoy the sun on your luxurious patio furniture, and cooking out in the opening is a refreshing feeling that will put your indoor kitchen to shame.

However, designing an outdoor kitchen is no simple task; you’ll need to carefully consider some points before you decide to go all-in. So to help you out, here are some of the dos and don’ts of creating an outdoor kitchen.

Do: Use your imagination when planning the decor and appliances

It’s an outdoor kitchen, so don’t expect typical things to work. You need to use outdoor decor such as concrete countertops, wooden furniture that’s resistant to weather and stainless steel appliances that are more durable and attractive.

Stainless steel is resistant to all kinds of natural effects such as rust and corrosion, and it’s also resistant to staining and bacteria. This makes it the perfect material to use for outdoor appliances, so make sure you do your research and plan out your decor and appliances.

Don’t: Forget the hot plate or warming drawer

Temperatures can fluctuate outdoors, so food cooked in your outdoor kitchen won’t stay warm forever. Ensure that you have some kind of appliance that will help you keep food warm when serving it to guests. If the window blows too strongly, it could push bits of food off your plate and it could cool it down faster than you’d like.

This is when a [amazon_textlink asin=’B0196NH78E’ text=’warming drawer’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’mygardening411-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’85621df6-7b96-11e7-a0d6-8fdd2badf8e3′] (or a hotplate and a well-positioned fence) can make the difference between a good meal and a cold one.

Do: Avoid too much storage space

When you have too many drawers and small areas, tidying up and cleaning can become a huge mess. Try to utilise as much vertical space as possible by hanging utensils and installing shelves.

Whatever you do, try and avoid cupboards as much as possible. That way you won’t create small areas for critters and bugs to nest in but, obviously, ensure your shelves and hooks are stable so that a strong gust of wind doesn’t blow items off the shelf or weaken the hooks.

Don’t: Forget about ventilation

You might be wondering why you need to care about ventilation, but if the smoke and fumes from your cooking blow straight into your home, then you’re going to create a mess that will ultimately make your outdoor kitchen useless.

When planning your outdoor kitchen, make sure you plan where the smoke will ventilate so that it’s never blown directly at your home (or your neighbour). You’ll have to plan where appliances go and how to funnel the smoke and fumes away so they don’t disturb anyone or anything.

Bon Appétit!

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