Gardening Jobs You Need To Do Before The Winter Chill

Summer is over, the cold nights are drawing in and winter is on the way. That means it’s time to pack away the garden furniture and get to work on the garden in preparation for the winter.

So, while we still have a little daylight left to look forward to, strap on your gardening gloves, pull on your wellies, and concentrate on the following jobs to keep your garden in tip-top shape in the coming months.

Plant flowers and bulbs

Before the ground frosts over now is the time to plant new flowers to add a bit of colour to your garden over the Autumn months and plant new bulbs in preparation for the Spring.

During this season, the ground should be fertile and ready for new growth. The soil will still be warm after the summer months, but also moist due to the seasonal rain showers. This means plants will have the time to form new roots, and bulbs will be in a position to germinate. 

Gather the fallen leaves

As the leaves begin to fall, it is a good idea to keep on top of them to save yourself back-breaking work later on. Leaves left on the ground will restrict the light to your lawn, leaving ugly brown patches as a result. We recommend you buy a leaf sweeper to make your job easier and then turn the leaves into mulch to nourish your soil.

Cut back your shrubs and hedges

Now is the time to cut down your shrubs and bushes before they start to decay because of accumulating damp. Most will need to be cut down to about a quarter of their normal size but check with your garden centre or plant labels for informed advice.

You should also prune your hedges, but remember not to get too scissor happy with the shears as you don’t want the hedge looking bare.

Care for your lawn

Raise the height of your mower blades, and mow the grass at regular intervals until the end of November. Then use a slow-release fertilizer which will stop the grass growing too quickly in the colder months, and add all the nutrients your lawn needs to help it resist the frost.

Protect your pond

Your garden pond needs to be covered with netting to protect it from any Autumn debris, such as leaves and litter. If you have any aquatic plants or creatures living in the pond, it is a good idea to drop a floating device, such as a ball, into the pond to ensure it doesn’t ice over entirely.

Remember to remove your [amazon_textlink asin=’B016H1TPKG’ text=’pond pump’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’mygardening411-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’fa202c7e-9899-11e7-8bae-6933c3847235′], or install an anti-ice pump if you think it is necessary.

Maintain your greenhouse

Your greenhouse will come under attack from the wind and the rain during the Autumn and Winter months, so check it thoroughly for any cracks and damage. Replace any broken window panels, and fill in any gaps to protect the produce growing within.

Sit back and relax

When all your jobs are complete, you can finally sit back and relax. At least until the following season when you will need to get out of your armchair again!

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