Just like when you’ve been spending years looking at the same interior decor, the outside can get pretty boring too but there are so many things you can do to your garden to make the place look amazing again. Yes, you might have to dig into your pocket a little, but the end result is more than worth it.
Just like with any home renovations, garden transformations can add thousands in value to your home. People like to see that they’ve got a nice outdoor area just as much as they do indoor. So, without further ado, here’s how you can carry out a complete garden transformation.

What To Include
We’ll start with the most important part of the garden transformation, what to actually include. Now this all depends on what you’re going for, and we’ve got some ideas for you that are a bit more expensive compared to others.
The first is something we know you’re going to love. Now, you need to have a fair bit of garden space for this, but an outhouse could be something you’d be able to utilise. It gives you the space away from the house that you need, and can be used for absolutely anything. A [amazon_textlink asin=’B01N4PZ4QW’ text=’log cabin’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’mygardening411-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’81b0d4c0-10fd-11e8-8c25-0d1f16a88e51′] styled one would be the best, it could be converted into a little man, or woman, cave!
We know these are expensive, so you might want to consider using a no credit check loan to help you with the funds. So not only do these look really good, but when it comes to selling your house they do also add a lot of value.
Something else we feel you need to include is a relaxation area. Come the summertime, the garden should be used to its full potential, without somewhere to relax you’re really missing out! The bigger the space, the better the time, but try not to take too much of the grass away. A lot of people prefer to use their patio area that’s already been laid out, but if you want to push the boat out, put some decking down extending from the patio doors of your house.
Use the same colours as you have with the out house, and you’re on to a winner! You can then fill the area with comfortable garden furniture, a BBQ, and whatever else you might want to keep the party going!
Where To Start
Now this is always going to be a challenge, but one thing you do need to do before anything else is give the garden a clean out. Make sure everything is looking fresh, and anything unwanted is gone before you start filling it up with more things.
Then you need to plan your money. Some of the things we’ve listed above are a little pricey, although worth it. You need to begin getting quotes sooner rather than later so you can paint a picture of what you’d like the garden to look like.
So there you go, with a few little tips we believe your garden will be completely transformed.