For any keen gardener, one of the real worries that crops up almost every year is what to do when it is time to go on holiday, be it overseas or a staycation somewhere in your home country.
You don’t want to forgo your vacation, but you also want to make sure that you come back to a well-tended garden which is not going to have suffered from your absence. The real problem here is that, generally, you holiday during the height of summer, a time most important for your garden too, so that is something that is not going to help.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to ensure that your garden not just survives, but thrives, while you are on holiday for a week or even two or three.
Ask For A Neighbour’s Help
It is always possible that you might have a neighbour who is able and willing to give you a helping hand, and if so you should absolutely make the most of that opportunity. Even if all they do is water the plants while you are gone, then you will at least be able to ensure that everything is going to be healthy enough until you get back.
If they can do more than that, such as feeding or even weeding and pruning, then clearly that isd even better – but just watering will suffice in most occasions.
Of course, you might want to offer to do the same for them in return, or some other kind of neighbourly gesture which they are likely to appreciate. Do this, and you will be able to ask them in future as well, which is a precedent that you definitely want to set if at all possible.
Let The Garden Tend For Itself
It is actually possible to ensure that your garden is tending for itself while you are away too, and that can be achieved more easily than you might have thought. Using something like a hydroponic gardening system, you will not have to worry about any additional watering to the garden for at least a couple of weeks – perfect for your average kind of holiday time.
Of course, you will want to make sure that you are keen on this system first and that you trust it, which means mostly going to a supplier you trust, but also that you might want to install it early and try it out while you are still home. Just make sure that it works before you go away for too long.
If hydroponics seems a bit too complicated for your 2 week holiday, consider installing an [amazon_textlink asin=’B071D7TSRH|B000TAUF92′ text=’automatic water timer’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’mygardening411-20|mygardening411-21′ marketplace=’US|UK’ link_id=’92fb5fcb-9fd8-11e8-a400-03b972fccabb’] to your hose set up. They are are relatively inexpensive and can be used all year round, perfect for when you are not in the mood to water the garden.
Go On Holiday Later
Arguably, you can make things much easier for yourself by deciding to simply not go on holiday during the height of summer. If you instead go a little later, or even in autumn or winter for your annual holiday, then you will be able to leave your garden for much longer, as it will not need quite so much inthe way of tending.
This is a simple, low-key way to ensure that your garden does not suffer when you are on vacation, but it is also highly effective.