Creating A Happy And Relaxing Garden

Our gardens can be a little piece of paradise. They are loved by children who play and laugh in the sunshine. They jump in puddles when it rains. If you are an avid reader, you might enjoy the peace that you can get in your garden. Gardeners have a magic touch when it comes to their outdoor space. And a lot of it is learning while doing – which is pretty special. 

But, it doesn’t matter how you use your garden, there are a few things that you can add that will make it more enjoyable for you to use. 

White flowering plant


Sitting soaking up the long evening sunshine. Eating with friends or family. Or simply working in the garden is all possible if you have comfortable seating. There are a lot of options too. You might go for the traditionally styles wrought iron white bistro set. Typically you will see them in the movies on big English lawns. 

You might prefer something that is more modern, lower down and square. 

There is almost certainly something that you can fit in your garden space, even if it is very small. Just remember that you should grab a parasol or a gazebo so that you don’t end up getting sunburn. Alice’s Garden is a great option to pick up what you need. 


Much of what we remember of periods in our lives comes down to scent. The smell of the breakfast you Nan used to cook for you. The perfume that your aunt wore. Even some that you can’t place but once in a while you catch a whiff of the scent, and suddenly you are transported back to a moment in time. 

You can create them by having scented floral plants in your garden. Lavender, jasmine, and honeysuckle all have rich scents that float around a warm garden, long into the evening. And while you might not think anything if now, in the years to come you might just remember sitting in the summer haze, with a coffee relaxing.


If you aren’t very green fingered you might struggle with having colourful plants alive for very long. Buying well-established plants might give them more of a chance of surviving. 

Colourful pots and planters, garden ornaments, and painting your fence pretty colours will give you the bright pop you are looking for without the need to keep them alive. 


hands placing leaves inside a garden composter

Many people don’t like the idea of having a composter in their garden, because they assume it will stink. When actually, if you are thinking about growing fruits, veggies and other plants and reducing your food waste – this is a great thing to do. Composting does take a while, but to get a garden feeling like a little piece of heaven takes time too.  

Gardens give us privacy, and the outdoors in one delightful mix. Some of us prefer slabs and low maintenance, others love lush green gardens. Whatever it is that you like, you can make it happen with some work and care.

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