In organic gardening do you need to add anything besides compost and can you add to much compost?

Bill C asks: In organic gardening do you need to add anything besides compost and can you add to much compost?

The answer voted best is:

Answer by sciencegravy
Organic gardening is just like any other gardening – except that you choose not to use inorganic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

All those things are available in organic forms. Compost is a great organic fertilizer, but there are also tons of commercially produced organic fertilizers you can purchase.

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One comment

  1. yes. green manures (crops grown to be cut down to rot in the soil), rock powders, kelp, fish, bone meal, feather meal, etc are all useful soil amendments. Composts are usually not complete soil food unless you are savvy as to how to make different composts. But compost is essential for feed the soil and healthy soil

    Soil testing is a good thing to do to see where you are deficient or overly abundant in nutrients

    There are excellent Organic pelleted fertilizers that contain no synthetics. Fertrell has good ones as does McGeary

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