Wisconsin Vegetable Gardening Help?

schelr23 asks: Wisconsin Vegetable Gardening Help?
We recently purchased a house that sits on an acre of land in East side of Wisconsin, the previous owner grew tomatoes, onions, potatoes….etc. I am a beginner and need to know the basics as I am from the South. Can anyone suggest the first thing I need to do? and when? Thanks.
sounds great yeah….frost is gone beeeautiful weather….taken a break right now from all the weeding and raking…we have a tiller and will start soon…thanks again

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Answer by texas_angel_wattitude
Well hon Im from the South myself however my husband is from Wisconsin {rice lake area} and his mother use to plant a small garden but she’d wait until may to do it then she’d basically do how we did back home in Texas:water, weed, feterlize…I now live in ND for the last 18 months and we havent even planted flowers yet today we are going to put in Blueberry and rasperry bushes because the frost is out of the ground. If frost is out of your ground and the ground is not freezing at night {and my father in law who still lives in WI says its not freezing and frost is gone in his area} then you can go ahead and start.

Oh I forgot to add. She never started her plants from seeds she started them using established plants she got from the local plant nursery. If your starting from seeds you should start them in those little pot things and transplant them when they sprout.. Atleast that is what she did and she even started several months ahead of when the frost was gone so she could have established plants.

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One comment

  1. I’m from NC but if I was you I find out off locals when the frost stops.rent a tiler if you don;t have one buy your seedlings and plant.remember we all learn by trial and error don’t be affraid to ask advice is still cheep or is it

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