how to make an organic garden for Alabama weather?

by floato

Anna M asks: how to make an organic garden for Alabama weather?
i need to know some plants that can be planted all year long in Alabama for an organic garden. how do i create a garden and make it organic?

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Answer by Tex
I would suggest that you find a good book store and buy yourself a couple of books on organic gardening and organics in general. There is much more to it than a few sentences or even paragraphs can cover. Basically organic means absolutely no chemicals of any type are used in anyway on anything in the garden or anything that is planted or transplanted in the garden or that is used to wash or clean anything in the garden. That is if you want to go very strictly organic, there are variations of course. Organic is a complete life style not just how to grow a tomato plant.

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One comment

  1. A good website for organic gardening is Another great resource in Alabama is the local extension office. We live in Alabama and use it a lot. They have info on the web also. We have grown cabbage, broccoli, collards, brussel sprouts, and the like all winter. The worse months for growing in Alabama are July and August. It gets so hot that the tomatoes even stop growing.

    Also suggest you look at adding organic material to your soil. My husband double dug our beds and added horse manure in the fall. Even though we got some strange weeds in the spring, the plants and seeds we put out did great.

    Good luck.

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