Learn Great Tips On German Shepherd Digging Problems And How To Control It

Learn Great Tips On German Shepherd Digging Problems And How To Control It

How to control your German Shepherd digging around your garden

Have you been worried about your German Shepherd digging around excessively in your garden? Have you been coming home to a dug up garden and are at your wits end about it?

German Sheperd digging is a concern that many pet lovers of this type need to concentrate on. German Shepherds distinctly have a lot more energy compared to a lot of other dog breeds.

When there is no outlet for your pet’s excess energy, what happens is that they attempt to use up their extra energy by digging up everything they can get their paws on.

You may just be gone for a few hours to do the grocery and come back only to find all your rosebushes and carefully planted vegetables all dug up. This is a clear symptom that your dog needs more exercise than what you have been providing him with.

Many German Shepherd owners find creative ways of walking or running with their dogs at least once a day for thirty minutes minimum. Some dog owners even bike with their dogs running alongside them just to be able to give their dogs the amount of exercise they need.

Here are some effective tips for controlling German Shepherd digging problems you need to know.

Tip #1 Make sure your German Shepherd has a big garden to run around in or enough exercise. Ideally, owners of shepherds will be able to provide their furry best friends with enough room to run around on their own in order to use up extra energy. Being able to run around throughout the day in your lawn will be sufficient for your dog and prevent him from digging up your gardenias. If you live in an apartment or a smaller home with no lawn, what you need to do is set aside time each day to take your dog for a run. As mentioned, earlier, some owners use their bikes to ‘run’ their dogs. You might want to consider doing this as well. Not only will you be giving your pet the exercise he or she needs, you will also be saving your garden. Hence, you and yourself will improve from this exercise.

Tip #2 Provide your dog with a large crate to stay in once in a while. There are times you need to tinker around in the garden yourself and sometimes, your dog wants to join in the fun and begins to dig up your greens alongside you. Having large crates for your dog while you clean up your yard, lawn or front porch will give you the opportunity to be able to work without interruption and with no German Shepherd digging. You can include plush dog toys in your dog’s crate for him to stay entertained as you tinker around the garden.

Tip #3 Leave chewing toys around the home and yard for entertainment. If your German Shepherd digging problems does not stop even you give your dog enough exercise, the reason might be tedium. Your German shepherd might just be bored and is entertaining himself to see what could be dug up in the area. What you can do is leave chewing dog toys scattered in the garden to keep your pet’s mind entertained and off the garden.

So the best way to stop German Shepherd digging is to bring to an end the dog’s desires and fondness to dig by imposing some behavioural training. Furthermore, implementing the basic obedience training that you have already done on your pet. Put some excitements on your pet’s daily routine that will keep your German Shepherd busy. When your dog is engrossed in doing something that is more productive and healthier like exercise, then digging would be the least thing that he is going to do, thereby successfully minimizing digging occurrences within your property.

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