Dogface asks: Gardening advice: growing broadbean plants?
I planted 3 seeds about two weeks ago but only 2 germinated they seem to be growing well but now theyve got small black patches on their leaves and theyre kind of curling up and going crinkly what is this? is it some sort of plant disease?? can i do anything about it??? Also what are the best conditions to be growing them in cos at the moment theyre in a small glass jar indoors but really theyre getting too big for it already. I dont know all that much about growing plants at all so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!(:
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Answer by nlmelley
It’s completely normal that 2 out of 3 seeds sprouted. Many people plant more than they need for this reason. It sounds like you have a fungal problem which is common when seeding things indoors. Broad beans (unlike some plants like tomatoes and peppers) are pretty easy to start directly in the ground and they actually like cooler weather. If you can, I would recommend just planting them right into a garden.
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There are a couple of possibilities but the most likely (from your description) is Bean Chocolate Spot (Botrytis fabae). It occurs in damp conditions, particularly if the plants are shaded.
Broad beans are very hardy. I would plant them outside in a sunny spot, adding a potash fertiliser to the soil as you plant them. They should be ok. Do it carefully as the plants don’t like too much root disturbance.
Good luck!