Rotorvate my garden – tips / advice please?

NL England asks: Rotorvate my garden – tips / advice please?
Hi there – we have a rather large garden of about 100 foot long (maybe a bit more!) by approx 25 / 30 foot wide. Since we moved in we have not done a great deal and aside from cutting everything back and tidying it up we think the next place to work on is leveling it out. The garden is on a slight slope downwards but the main issue is its VERY uneven. My neighbour tells me she had a man rotorvate her garden and they have been left with quite an even lawn. this cost quite a bit though and we would rather do manual stuff ourselves and spend money on the extras like decking / paving and so on! Therefore, it would be good if anyone can share any tips or advice as we don’t know what we would need to do – ie do we need to remove the grass first? other tools we may need? approx timescale ie 1 solid week (7 days) we can hire a rotorvator for about £80 p/w which by the looks of it is about the same size as an ordinary lawn mower. will this be sufficient or would we need industrial?? thx

The answer voted best is:

Answer by BrettStouffer
I know of this website that has some great garden tips and alot of cute things for your garden. I dont know if it will help but here is the link

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One comment

  1. I’m not sure if this is a “garden” or “lawn”. If it’s grass/lawn you could try renting a roller and rolling it when it is wet. If it’s a garden that you want to plant with veggies and other stuff, and its never been rototilled or planted with anything, you probably will need to remove the sod. It will make it easier to rototill. Sod is hard on the machine. You could also see if there is a neighbor that has a plow. Plowing it first will get the soil broken up good and deep. Then, if you’re going to garden this area for several years, I would suggest buying a rototiller. But since you’re new to gardening, you should probably rent one this year and consider buying one next year. In the US I can rent one for about $ 50 or $ 60 for 4hours. This garden is quite large. It will take a lot of work to keep up with it. Maybe, since you’re new to this, you should cut the size of it down this year until you figure out just how much work it is.

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