Ashmita asks: If I mix per lite soil, Kellogg’s soil, Sta Green soil and Gardener soil all together in one pot.?
What do you think will happen to the plant (vine stick) with all the mixed soil? plus some chemical hormones are also added to it! Does the plant stand a chance to survive with many soil types and added hormones?!
Thank you.
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Answer by Johnny
Hi Ashmita
The mixing of different soils is one of the recommendations made by Mel Bartholomew and used by “square foot” gardeners all over the world. The thinking behind it is to ensure a balanced blend of nutrients for the plants. Perlite or vermiculite is added to the mixture to increase the water holding capacity of the soil and therefore make water easily available to the plants.
As far as adding hormones is concerned, I suppose it would depend on which hormones are added. A lot of people make a tea out of Alfalfa, a grass which includes a natural growth regulator hormone called Triacontanol. Some people swear by the benefits of this organic tea so again, it will depend on which hormones are added.
I don’t know why you are asking this question unless you have seen someone mixing soils or talking about it but it seems to work very well for square foot gardeners. You can read all about it by typing “Square Foot Gardening” into a search engine.
I hope this helps you
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