i need gardening help! what can grow well in indirect sunlight, north central texas?

grae asks: i need gardening help! what can grow well in indirect sunlight, north central texas?
the north side of my house has a small garden area that used to have just hedge bushes…i dug them up and would like to have a cactus garden with indigenous texas plants…the main problem with this area is that it does not receive direct sunlight most of the year…will cactus grow there? is there something else attractive that will? do you have a link to a great beginner gardening website? thank you!

The answer voted best is:

Answer by patsy m
I live in Ft Worth I see cactus of all types but usually away from house. I would do mthe corner so it will get some sunlight a way out from wall. I found that Cannas doing well here most anyplace I put them. Just need water hot evenings and actually will come back again after winter and you can thin and start new spot. OURs got 6 ft tall with miracle grow, which we use for everything. Soak a little with roots then add to water for planting then about every 2 weeks , easy instructions on bag. Worth the cost. TEXAS A M has site under Texas gardens and lots others too.

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