by Tojosan
Whispering Eagle asks: What pests do you encourage in organic gardening?
The answer voted best is:
Answer by Deb
Lady bugs, praying mantises, bees, dragonflies.
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spiders, toads, some caterpillars, worms (ok, they’re a pest to me), bats
If you are encouraging them to your yard, they are not pests. Pests are things you DON’T want in your yard.
In organic gardening, chemical pesticides and fertilizers are not used.
Pesticides kill ALL insects, beneficials too, not just the ‘bad’ ones.
Ladybugs, lacewings, hover Flies and tachinid Flies, wasps, spiders, ground beetles, and many other predatory bugs. Happy gardening.,7518,s1-2-9-92,00.html
Whitefly, spiders, pirate, Ladybug, aphid, etc…