by nutmeg66
Garden Improvement – Why a Trip to the Garden Centre Won’t Help!
Have you tried buying a ton of things from the garden centre, convinced that they will radically improve your garden, only to discover that the new additions haven’t really helped at all? Unfortunately, it’s all to common a problem. Why is that?
Because plants are not the answer! Shocking, I know. Plants need to be viewed as the icing on the cake, not the cake itself. As wonderful as plants are, they should be the last part of the garden building process to consider.
So if plants on the answer, what is? In a word, shape. What do I mean by shape? Let’s delve further into what you need to know to create great looking garden. When I say shape, I’m not talking about the general outline of your garden I’m talking about the shapes that you create in the empty areas of your garden.
1. Why do you have to make the right shapes in your garden first?
The shapes are the foundation of your garden, it’s the guide that you follow so that your garden will have the continuity and the flow it needs to create interest and make your garden look great. Get the shape right and you’re well on your way to a successful garden.
Tip: To make this easier, get a piece of paper sketch the lay-out of your garden and draw a big geometric shape in the center of your garden and see how this improves the flow of your garden. Or try sketching on a photograph of your garden and draw the shape on it.
2. So you’ve drawn the shapes but does this ensure you that the shape you’ve chosen is the right shape for your garden?
Hopefully, yes, but always best to double-check. Your chosen shape or shapes for your garden must improve the continuity and the flow of your garden, remember: a good garden functions as one entity. This means, your overall lawn shape must link to everything in the garden. This advice works whether you have an established garden or a part of your home with soil and grass that you don’t know what to do with.
3. How do you go about creating the shapes and the flow?
One big coherent shape right in the middle of your garden is good. You can try more than one large shape if you have the space in your garden. Try linking some key shapes together and see if they create the flow or if they create complete and utter discord.
To sum it all up, build a strong foundation first before going crazy with the finishing touches in your garden design. Plan, draw, scrap it if you don’t like it, and, plan and draw again. What’s important is that you’re able to create a spectacular garden design for your home.
Now that you know these facts about garden design, check out for a free video tutorial on how to create a spectacular garden for your home.
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