How can we reduce the number of ants in our organic garden?

Sylvia J asks: How can we reduce the number of ants in our organic garden?
I’m looking for an organic solution to reduce the number of ant hills.

The answer voted best is:

Answer by cammy
An effective all natural way to getting rid of ants is to sprinkle some cornmeal on the anthill. The ants will eat this and the cornmeal will expand inside them. I had a similar problem yesterday and sprinkled cornmeal on the anthill, within an hour the ants were gone!

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  1. Borax soap and sugar piles next to the garden.
    The ants should hit the piles first and the Borax kills the queen.

  2. Gardenville Fire Ant Control formula,beneficial nematodes, and diatomaceous earth. Laboratory tests have shown that the beneficial fungus ‘Beauvaria bassiana’ is effective against fire ants. Diatomaceous earth on dry days, or a mixture of compost tea, molasses, and citrus oil any time. Many gardeners report good results with instant grits and other instant breakfast cereals. Spraying products that contain molasses helps keep them away. Applying ground-up orange and grapefruit rinds to the mounds is another excellent control.

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