by jo-h
Sally asks: Help and advice on growing veg indoors?
I have heard that you can successfully grow certain fruits and veg indoors. I have no experience of gardening but would really like to start growing some of my own food. Can someone please help me with a few questions.
What can i actually grow?
What size pots would i need?
How often do i water them?
What do i put on them? (Soil, food, etc)
What months can I plant the difference seeds?
Where is the best place to keep them in my home?
The answer voted best is:
Answer by Cat
The easiest would be herbs – because most can be grown in a relatively small pot, on a sunny windowsill.
You plant them in a pot with potting soil. Water them after the surface of the soil dries out a bit. Each kind of plant will have different needs in terms of water, and how often also depends on the temperature and humidity. In hot weather, they’ll need watering more often. In cold weather (like in winter), they may only need it once a week.
Herbs, lettuces and other small things are best.
A sunny, south-facing window is best.
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most anything. (you might try starting with herbs)
medium size to start. (6 inches) -you can transplant later
you water, let dry.. then rewater, keeping soil too wet will cause root rot on your plant
miracle grow- i haven’t found anything better.
forget seeds since your just starting, go to your local plant nursery and get starts.. they get scientific nutritional start food there and will last longer.
keep near the warmest window.. usually kitchen. buy a heat lamp too, will make a phenomenal difference.
I grew tomatos in my kitchen last winter.. they were 14 feet tall and full of small tomatos.. i moved them to the outdoors in the spring and enjoyed tomatos all season.. i trimmed them back and brought them inside for this winter..(and we have 8 month freezes) I will keep doing this until the roots finally are too root bound.
have worked in plant care and propagation nursery for years.
Herbs are easy. I like to grow bell peppers indoors in a sunny spot; they are perennial. Larger pots work better but I have had success in 8 inch pots.