What do i do with my backyard? In need of some serious advice?

by xooorx

Tiff asks: What do i do with my backyard? In need of some serious advice?
I live in a rental house so theres not alot i can do but my backyard is just so plain. Just grass and a clothes line. and a little garden bed near my back door. My husband and i are so sick of it and want to do something with it but were not sure what to do beaucse we rent and dont have a very big budget. Any ideas?

The answer voted best is:

Answer by Tom
I believe either Lowes, Home Depot and Staples/Office Depot/Office Max sell Landscape programs fo rthe computer. They not only let you plan things out but they actually show you what it will look like when its done flowers and all…good luck

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  1. Plant bulbs – they are fairly inexpensive – Tulips, Glads and the like. Right now many places have them on closeout, so they are even cheaper.

    Plus many of them need to be planted now.

  2. some containers planted with things that grow well in your area would be good. some spray paint can make various containers match and it’ll look really pulled together.
    if you can afford an umbrella table and a couple of chairs for seating you can add some of the white christmas lights under your umbrella and that will be nice.
    tin cans may also be used for lighting by punching holes in nice patterns, spray painting and add a little sand to the bottoms and place a tea candle in each one. you can also get the battery operated candles at the dollar tree.

  3. If i had an picture of your place will better to advice you. There are two thinks you can do. If you have place at the ground plant some cheep plants like geranioom,gazanias, hibiscus with combination of aromatic plants like rosmarin, salvia, origano,majoran etc. If you don’t have place at the ground by some pots plastic or ceramic (they are more expensive) and put the plants there. With pots you have the benefit if one day you leave the house you can take them with you. If you have some wall to keep the plant you can plant one or more climb plant also. The best way is to ask the advice of the local nursery dealer. Good luck and enjoy your garden

  4. If the little garden bed has sun you could plant veggies in there, often times vegetable plants are pretty and, of course, you get to eat what you grow. The home grown food helps offset the financial cost of the materials to grow it.

    For other areas, you could go for a potted plant garden and that way you can keep what ever plants you use when you move and use them in your new home.

    Another option is to put up a bird feeder on a pole in the yard. You can take that when you move, and you will have hours of entertainment from watching the birds.

  5. Join Freecycle.

    You can then get wonderful plants from other people who are thinning out their gardens. Best of all, it is all free. I have recently acquired large clumps of Pampas grass, 3 different variety of day lilies, Hostas, Siberian Iris, Bearded Iris, and more for a new lot I just purchased. Oh, and the landscaping bricks for the lot were free thanks to another Freecycler as was all the mulch I put down. Also, I almost forgot–I got my garden design from 2nd hand gardening magazines that came from Freecycle.

    It is a wonderful site to share things you are no longer using and to get things you need. It keeps a lot of things out of the landfill.

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