How to Make an Efficient Raised Vegetable Garden Bed
This has been the most common question among gardeners today. Since raised vegetable garden beds allow more flexibility than any other gardening method around, gardeners throughout the years developed their own styles of effective planting. After reading this article, we will be able to identify the basic idea of how you can make an efficient raised vegetable bed anywhere you want.
When making your own raised beds, there are a couple of things that we need to consider to make our garden more efficient. We will be discussing them one by one to provide our readers more ideas.
For your garden to be efficient, first things first, your raised bed frames will need to withstand the elements of nature and should blend with its environment. Many of my friends question my decision in putting this paragraph on this article, but actually my reason is perfectly simple. For your raised vegetable garden to be efficient it needs to serve its purpose continuously and for that to happen there shouldn’t be any need to relocate your garden beds; which brings me to my first topic.
To ensure your garden bed’s efficiency, we may want to construct them where they can be permanently placed this will serve two purposes at the same time. A raised vegetable garden bed does not only serve a source of your vegetables but it also beautifies your surrounding depending on how and where you construct it. By doing so, we eliminate the need to relocate the garden beds, which is tedious, thus making it efficient all throughout the year.
Bear in mind that the location plays an important role in choosing the location of your raised vegetable garden beds. We need to consider all the factors when choosing the location. Bear in mind that your plants should have enough morning sunlight and protected from the harsh afternoon heat.
Once constructed, an efficient raised vegetable bed requires the use of the best possible mixture of garden soil around. This feature is one of the advantages that a raised vegetable garden bed brings on the table. Here are some mixtures that has been proven and tested to yield best results for vegetable planting. An effective mixture of soil should be able to provide these things to your plants to ensure good yield. Your garden beds soil should be able to support the root system of the vegetable that you are planting. Roots should be able to anchor in deep so as to develop a good root system for support.
Soil mixture should be able to serve a storehouse for just the right amount of water to promote breakdown of organic matters and maintain sufficient amount nutrients for the plants to consume. Soil compaction should be lessened. A loose soil guarantees sufficient amount of Oxygen is generated to the entire root system.
Lastly, a good soil should be able to reduce soil disease, hold enough moisture, and reduce weeds.
Raised vegetable garden bed is the best gardening technique. The efficiency of your raised vegetable garden beds does not only rely on how it was made but also depend on you and how you tend your garden.