Ronnie B asks: I have just built a raised bed in my garden and need advice!?
The bed is approx 3m wide and 5m long and triangular. I have a Rhododendron in the corner and an Escolonia in the short side and down the long side are a Euphorbia and a Hydrangea! I am now looking for shrubs to fill it with which will be smaller than these when fully grown so that I can taper the heights of the plants down to the Lavandula and some annuals at the front edges! Do you have any suggestions please?
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Answer by rebecca m
alpines.very cheap.very low maintenance.
ask your garden centre for advise.
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Although they tend to grow big I love Camellias. For smaller plants try Hostas, Lavender for a nice scent. White arabis gives you a nice display. For summer Livingstone Daiseys, Lobellia and bizzy lizzies.
Alberta Spruce!
I’m assuming this is for partial shade.
For shrubs maybe some bottle brush and viburnum. Some Hosta would look nice in that arrangement as well. Also, some begonia and impatiens for your annuals.
Hebes, roses, rosemary. Do you like flowering plants? Evergreens? Cistus. Foxgloves.
personally i like potentilla. it doesn’t grow too high. low maintenance. plenty of flowers and a lovely silvery tinge to the leaves
There are many hardy Fushias in many colours that need no maintenance hardly. Also Cana can be dotted between there are many varigated leaved varieties with gorgeous vibrant flowers The tubers can be left in all year round. Roses, Scabious( chocolate, mauve, pink, white), Hardy mesembryanthemum, these are very vivid and striking colours and will go through the winter without problems excellent at the edge of a border intermingle with stocks for a glorious scent on a summers evening.