Garden advice needed. Radishes?

by Spark_GGSE Sandi C asks: Garden advice needed. Radishes? How do you know when they are ready to be pulled. Since they grow underground…how do you know? The answer voted best is: Answer by jeramie mRadishes […]

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Garden advice needed please?

by POC215 asks: Garden advice needed please? I have 3 Acer’s in pot’s in my garden, looking at them I think they all have wind damage, the thing is I have no real sheltered area […]

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Container gardening advice needed!?

by **Mary** musicimprovedme asks: Container gardening advice needed!? I am really interested in starting an herb garden in containers that sit either in the windowsill of the kitchen, by the patio door, or otherwise inside, but […]

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Basic gardening advice needed?

by Clownfish Ms. Mimsie asks: Basic gardening advice needed? I just moved into a condo and have a small patio. It has concrete in the center and dirt and plants on the side. The plants are […]

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Organic gardening tips needed!!?

by funadium cmize6 asks: Organic gardening tips needed!!? Hi! I’m trying to convince my parents that organic all-natural gardening is better. I’m trying to make a difference in the world- yes with one baby little garden. […]

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